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あなたはまた、しばしば「God Bless America」とおっしゃいます。しかし、あなたの信じるイエス・キリストの神はアメリカだけの神ではありません。世界の創造主です(黙示録4:11)。したがって、もしアメリカが神のみこころに反することを行なえば、神はアメリカをもお裁きになります。それともアメリカの為すことはいつでも神のみこころにかなうことだというのでしょうか。もし、そうお考えになるのであれば、あなたの信じる神はアメリカの国家神であり、結局は偶像でしかありません。



                    日本バプテスト同盟 理事長 天野邦彦 

March , 2003

Dear Mr. President

    We are Japan Baptist Union, a Christian denomination and heritage of American Baptist missionaries sent from your country 130 years ago. We, therefore, feel very close to your country and your people. We are now deeply concerned about the fact that our dear country America is taking the action of starting a war against Iraq.

    Being the only people in the world who suffered A-bombs, we strongly believe that mass destructive weapons such as nuclear bombs should never be used. Therefore, we do not support the present regime of Iraq. At this present moment, however, we do not support that America should start a war against it, either.

    You say that you must start an action to remove threat from the world. "It is too late to wait till Sadam 'does something'." If America is to start the war, however, it is America who 'does something' against the international community, and the 'justice' you claim may leave your county.

    You often say "God bless America," but the God you and we believe is not the god of America alone. He is the Creator of the world (Rev. 4:11). If America is to disobey His will, He will judge America. If you believe that whatever America does is in accordance with His will, your god is a state god of America, a mere idol after all.

    Yes, there may be a 'time' when we must fight (Eccl. 3:8). However, we do not believe that now is the 'time'. We sincerely ask that you will make every single effort to avoid the war by diplomatic means. We believe that that is what God wants you to do as the true 'super power' who wins respect from all over the world.


      Japan Baptist Union Chairman of the Board Rev. Kunihiko Amano


© 2002 Japan Baptist Union